Attendance and Holidays
Every pupil at The Salesian of St John Bosco is expected to maintain an attendance level of 97% and above, this is in line with the Government's expectations. It is the responsibility of everyone in our school community – parents, carers, pupils, staff and governors to ensure they achieve this. Therefore, we monitor and review the attendance of all pupils constantly.
Each year there are 190 school days which leaves 180 days for holidays, shopping, birthday treats, holidays and non-urgent medical and dental appointments. Therefore, the school will not authorise absence for these reasons.
Hence, if your son or daughter attends for at least 97% of one school year they will have had less than 10 days absent.
Below is a chart showing a comparison of attendance for a full academic year and what impact it has on your attendance and academic achievement.
What your absence percentages mean | |||
Percentage | No of days absence | Learning missed | Total Absence over 5 years |
100% | 0 days missed | 0 lessons | |
99.5% | 1 days | 5 lessons | 1 week |
99% | 2 days | 10 lessons | 2 weeks |
98.5% | 3 days | 15 lessons | 3 weeks |
98% | 4 days | 20 lessons | 1 month |
Penalty Warning Letter issued | |||
97.5% | 5 days (1 Week) | 25 lessons | 1¼ months |
Educational Penalty notice, Parenting Contract or Parenting Order may be issued if child's attendance does not improve. | |||
97% | 6 days | 30 lessons | 1½ months |
96.5% | 7 days | 35 lessons | 1¾ months |
96% | 8 days | 40 lessons | 2 months |
95.5% | 9 days | 45 lessons | 2¼ months |
95% | 10 days (2 Weeks) | 50 lessons | 2½ months |
At this stage there is Local Education Authority involvement and prosecutions may be issued. | |||
92.5% | 15 days | 75 lessons | 3¾ months |
90% | 20 days | 100 lessons | 5 months |
87.5% | 25 days | 125 lessons | 6¼ months |
85% | 30 days | 150 lessons | 7½ months |
82.5% | 35 days | 175 lessons | 8¾ months |
80% | 40 days | 200 lessons | 10 months |
At Salesian of St John Bosco we appreciate that children are unwell and there can be exceptional circumstances for absence. Please think carefully before keeping your child off school as missing days for minor illnesses has a negative impact on your child's progress. There is a strong connection between good attendance and achievement at school. Absence is proven to have a significant negative impact upon a child's educational attainment.
Pupils need to be in school no later than 8.30am.
In cases where a child persistently arrives at school after the register has closed and has acquired fourteen unauthorised (U) late marks within a period of no more than 10 weeks, an Education Penalty Notice may be issued. Pupils who arrive late to school will receive a consequence in line with our punctuality procedures.
Poor school attendance combined with lateness which amounts to 14 sessions lost within a period of no more than 10 weeks can also trigger an Education Penalty Notice.
On the rare occasion your child needs to be off school due to illness or any other appropriate reason it is the parent/carers responsibility to contact the attendance team EVERY day of the absence before 8.15am.
Two ways to inform:
- Voicemail: 0151 521 3088, Email:
- Please leave child's full name, year group and reason for absence when contacting. A letter/note in planner/medical evidence is needed on return and presented to attendance office.
Known Absence (including appointments during the school day)
All appointments should be made out of school hours; however, in extreme circumstances a pupil may need to attend an appointment during the school day. If this is the case the following procedure should be adhered to:
- The pupil should present a note from the parent/carer to the Attendance Officer stating the reason for the request to leave school early. The time and date of the appointment should be written on the note.
- When the pupil wishes to leave the school, they are to present the note at the attendance office and sign out before leaving.
- The school reserves the right to refuse permission to permit pupils to miss school or to leave school early. If in doubt, parents/carers or pupils should refer the matter to their respective Year Manager or Attendance Officer.
Permission must be given by a parent or carer for a child to leave the school site unaccompanied by an adult for any appointment.
Holidays are not authorised by the school unless it is classed as exceptional circumstances. Holidays taken in term time and not classed as an exceptional circumstance may be awarded an Educational Penalty Notice.
Attendance rewards and initiatives
Pupils at school can expect to receive either:
- Certificates/ badges/stickers.
- Letters to parents to acknowledge excellent attendance.
- Their name and photograph on displays
- Personal congratulations from members of staff.
Pupils can also receive bonus class chart points if their form has 100% attendance or 100% punctuality for that week.
Certificates from Progress Leaders are also awarded in end of term assemblies for 100% or significantly improved attendance.
Contact Attendance Team
If your child is absent ring before 8:15am.
Telephone: 0151 521 3088
Attendance Manager: Mrs N McFarlane
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs J Aspinall