The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco

Our Curriculum



The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco is dedicated to delivering an ambitious, coherent curriculum that embodies the Salesian values of respect, understanding, affection, and humour.

We aim to provide an outstanding education that has an emphasis on high academic achievement, whilst being inclusive of all. Our core value of ‘Learning for life, not just for school’ is at the heart of our planned curriculum which prepares our pupils for the experiences and responsibilities of adulthood through resilience, confidence and independence.

This will allow our pupils to become:

  • Academically passionate and driven to achieve their full potential
  • Successful learners who continually develop their knowledge and actively seek to learn and grow from feedback
  • Well-rounded individuals that thrive from rich learning experiences
  • Responsible and virtuous citizens who will make a positive contribution to society


Our Curriculum Offer

We are committed to offering our pupils a learning experience that builds on knowledge and skills acquired at KS2 and is broad, balanced and inclusive.


All pupils follow the National Curriculum and study the following subjects:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Computing
  • Personal Development
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • Art
  • Technology
  • Hospitality and Catering
  • Drama

Our KS3 curriculum aims to develop a strong foundation for a wide range of subject areas and seeks to be knowledge centred to help create learners who are kind, respectful, resilient and relentlessly ambitious.


KS4 begins in Year 10 for all subjects. Our options process, which takes place in Year 9, is based on the interests and abilities of our pupils. We recognise that the options process marks a defining moment in our pupils’ education, so we work closely with them to find the best suite of subjects for their futures.

We offer a wide range of GCSE and vocational courses and, where appropriate, encourage pupils to follow the English Baccalaureate pathway and be aspirational in their selection of subjects at KS4.

The KS4 core curriculum is as follows:

  • Religious Education
  • English literature and English language 
  • Mathematics
  • Dual Award Science
  • Non-examined PE

KS4 options choices are as follows:

  • Art and Design
  • Business and Enterprise
  • Child Development
  • Creative Design and Production
  • Creative Imedia
  • Geography
  • History
  • Hospitality and Catering
  • Spanish
  • Sport and Coaching
  • Triple Science

If you wish to find out more about our curriculum, please contact:

Mrs N Caldwell – Deputy Headteacher

Mr L Hardaker – Associate Assistant Headteacher